Isringhausen BMW Hosts the BMW Club
as the
BMW X Chapter Visits the Rt.66 Mother Road Festival
Saturday, September 28, 2024
10 am Cars & Coffee
Noon Luncheon
all compliments of Isringhausen BMW
Please RSVP by Sept. 21!
It’s the Silver Anniversary of the X5, the first BMW SAV. So we’re appealing to ALL drivers of BMWs large and small…coupes, sedans, SAVs… to come celebrate. Especially X owners, who may not attended a Club event often: Come help make this a big one!
A Cars & Coffee starts the day at 10am, hosted by Isringhausen BMW on their lot at 3rd & Washington. Enter off 2nd Street and look for our flags; our BMW Corral will be adjacent to the Rt.66 Festival show!
At Noon we’ll enjoy a lunch compliments of Isringhausen management. And the venue will be their Detail Warehouse. This non-public space garages the Isringhausen collection of race cars and exotica. A rare chance to look, but don’t touch.
BMW Club Members +1 are welcome to the luncheon. Please RSVP to with your number so we can get a count.
The afternoon will offer an entertainment for every taste. Just blocks away, find 2,000 cars at the Route 66 Festival around the Old State Capitol. Isringhausen’s own Showcase will be near 6th and Adams St. Click the link for all the events scheduled.
Our event is part of the X Chapter’s Ultimate Road Trip, X Drives America. BMW CCA members are driving short legs between each geographic Chapter to handoff an X5 miniature model. Brief remarks over lunch will include that handoff.
To say later “I got the shirt” plus a commemorative gift about the X Drives America rally, click here for more info and registration.
Select the ” NW11 St. Louis to Peoria” leg. This X Drives registration is optional, and separate from the RSVP we need for the free luncheon.
See you there!
10am Saturday, September 28, 2024
3rd & Washington, Springfield IL