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Annual Jack Brimmer Concours and Picnic.


The Annual Club Picnic and Concourse at Broemmelsiek Park off
Highway DD in Defiance, MO. Click here for map. The event time is 9:30 AM to 2 PM.

FOOD: Provided by Sugarfire Smokehouse

The charge per person will be $15.00 to help defray
the cost of the food and beverages. Children are welcome at the event and the cost per child is $5.00.
Members who want to enter their car in the Concourse will be charged $35.00 which includes the food cost.


The Concourse will have several categories below and include great prizes for the winning cars. The categories
 Iconic  <2001 model year or less
 Modern >2001
 People’s Choice
 Car I Would Like to Drive Home
 Diamond in the Rough
 Best in Show

Join other Club members and their family for this fun event at a beautiful venue with the Fall colors in full display.

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